

The TypeTags object contains a set of properties, methods and predicates that we can use to check an object's type tag.


import { TypeTags } from 'typetags'
const o = { foo: 'bar' }
if (o.toString() !== TypeTags.Object) {


import { TTypeInterface } from './TType'
import { Types, Tags, NestedTypes, NestedPredicates } from '../constants'
declare type PredicateNames = `is${Types | NestedPredicates}`
declare interface Predicate {
predicate(value: any): boolean
declare type PredicateMapper<Type> = {
[Prop in keyof Type as PredicateNames]: Type[Prop]
declare type Predicates = PredicateMapper<Predicate>
declare type TypeTagsInterface = {
[key in Types | NestedTypes]: Tags
declare type TypeTagMethods = {
get(name: Types | NestedTypes): Tags
get(value: any): Tags
of<T>(value: Types | NestedTypes | Array<T>): Array<Tags> | Tags
enhance<T>(name: Types | NestedTypes): TTypeInterface<T>
has(object: any, tag?: string): boolean
isDefaulTag(tag: string): boolean
isIterator(object: any): boolean
isTypedArray(object: any): boolean
assign<T>(object: T, tag: string): T
export declare const TypeTags: TypeTagsInterface & Predicates & TypeTagMethods