TypeTags .Process


The process object provides information about, and control over, the current Node.js process. While it is available as a global, it is recommended to explicitly access it via require or import.


import { TypeTags } from 'typetags'
// → [object process]
TypeTags.Process === TypeTags.get(process)
// → true

Metadata (TType)

.tag[object process]
.getTag()[object process]
.info()see more
.ownKeys()[version, versions, arch, platform, release, _rawDebug, moduleLoadList, binding, _linkedBinding, _eventsCount, _maxListeners, domain, _exiting, config, dlopen, uptime, _getActiveRequests, _getActiveHandles, reallyExit, _kill, cpuUsage, resourceUsage, memoryUsage, kill, exit, openStdin, getuid, geteuid, getgid, getegid, getgroups, allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags, assert, features, _fatalException, setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback, hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback, emitWarning, nextTick, _tickCallback, _debugProcess, _debugEnd, _startProfilerIdleNotifier, _stopProfilerIdleNotifier, stdout, stdin, stderr, abort, umask, chdir, cwd, initgroups, setgroups, setegid, seteuid, setgid, setuid, title, argv, execArgv, pid, ppid, execPath, debugPort, hrtime, argv0, _preload_modules, report, channel, _channel, _handleQueue, _pendingMessage, send, _send, connected, disconnect, _disconnect, _events, env]
.toString()function toString() { [native code] }


declare type ITypeTags = {
[key in Types | NestedTypes]: Tags
declare interface Predicate {
predicate(value: any): boolean

See NodeJS.org